Green Fingers

An educational future

An instructive


From Wim Peters Kwekerijen, we like to support the local community and promote 'sustainable thinking' among the youngest generation. We do this through our 'Green Fingers' label. This allows us to contribute to local projects that focus on healthy food and education on sustainable issues.

From this label, we developed an annual program in 2023 and 2024 for children from local elementary schools. This program targets children in grades 7 and 8. In 2025, we are happy to work with schools again.

Green-fingered waste market


View of the greenhouse


Week of Candy Good


Waste market


Walking Tour

An engaging and educational experience

in our greenhouses

This field trip offers children an engaging and educational experience in our greenhouses. The program consists of two parts:

- Presentation:
While enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, we begin in our large cafeteria with a brief introduction about Wim Peters Kwekerijen: Who are we? What do we do? And what is our vision of sustainable business?

- Tour:
After the presentation, we go into the greenhouse. We tell the children about the green process behind our tomato crop. The children get to see and experience this. How long does a tomato plant grow? What does it take to grow tomatoes? We also provide demo materials, such as bumblebee hives and other examples of beneficial insects we use.

wim peters nurseries-community

Week of

Candy Good

At Wim Peters Kwekerijen, we are participating in the national Week of Candy Good. Candy Good Week is a national campaign aimed at promoting healthier snack choices.

In late January and early February, we want to introduce tomatoes as a healthy snack option for children at elementary schools in the Someren/Asten municipality.


Waste market

Entrepreneurship and creativity

Fighting food waste together. At Wim Peters Kwekerijen we think about solutions for our waste streams wholesale. During this market, we mimic these issues in miniature. Children are tasked with organizing a market where they will creatively sell products that would otherwise be wasted. It takes creativity and entrepreneurship!

How it works
The idea behind the Waste Market is simple but powerful. Children take responsibility for coming up with recipes based on Class II produce that would otherwise be wasted. We make our Class II tomatoes available, but the children themselves also search for produce at other local businesses.

All proceeds from the market are donated to charities. Wim Peters Kwekerijen facilitates the location and physical market stalls. We also support where necessary and provide a friendly atmosphere. The promotion lies primarily with the children. Visitors to the market are (grand)parents, brothers, sisters, other family members and friends.

Read here more about the second edition of the Waste Market in 2024.

Healthy snack with tomatoes from Wim Peters Kwekerijen.

In beautiful walk around

our greenhouse area

A walk around our beautiful greenhouse area! Our newest walking tour provides information about the greenhouses and the area itself. From information about the stream landscape to the heat in our greenhouses. The best part is that this walk is interesting for young and old alike!


km long


information boards

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